» TPI员工和附属机构的研究文章

Peer-reviewed journal articles and reports by the 汤普森政策研究所's 工作人员 and 教师 Affiliates can be found below:


梅根·安逸舒适大头照Dr. 梅根·安逸舒适

梅根·安逸舒适博士, has collaborated with schools and school districts across the country to promote and improve special education service delivery models that allow ALL students to learn and play together. Her work focuses on systematic development and implementation of inclusive supports and services, and the role of leadership teams in sustainable school reform. 除了, she is extensively involved in teacher development and training for quality inclusive schooling.

Sandoval-Gomez,.M . Cosier., & 红衣主教,D. N. (2020). Inclusion and the right to access to regular classes for students with disabilities. International Electronic Journal of 小学教育, 12(3), 249-255.

安逸舒适,M.桑多瓦尔-戈麦斯,A.红衣主教,D. N., & Brophy,年代. (2020). Placement of students with extensive support needs in California school districts: The state of inclusion and exclusion. International Electronic Journal of 小学教育, 12(3), 249-255.

格里菲思,.J. 安逸舒适,M., & 摩根,年代. (2019). 研究-to-Practice Brief: Using Labor Market Projections for Successful 过渡计划. 研究 Brief: 汤普森政策研究所 Disability Summit Fourth Annual Report. Orange, CA: 澳门威尼斯人app下载大学, 阿塔拉教育研究学院.

安逸舒适,M.怀特,J. M., & 王,问. (2018). Examining the variability in general education placements for students with intellectual disability. 国际教育学报,14(2),16-52.


奥德里·桑多瓦尔·戈麦斯爆头Dr. 奥德里·桑多瓦尔·戈麦斯

Audri米. 戈麦斯博士, is the Associate Director at the 汤普森政策研究所 and a lecturer in the 阿塔拉教育研究学院. Dr. 戈麦斯获得了博士学位.D. 在教育 with an emphasis in Disability Studies at 澳门威尼斯人app下载大学. 在她目前的任务之前,Dr. Gomez was a special education teacher for 8 years before becoming a 特殊教育 Coordinator. She has presented at numerous annual conferences including AERA, 小胡子, Cal-Tash, CCTE, 衰退, and NAEYC where her presentations have focused on her research interests that have included inclusive practices, 残疾的社会模式, 老师准备, 学校文化. 最近, she co-authored book chapter in a Peter Lang series titled Enacting change from within: Disability Studies meets teaching and teacher education as well as a study in Disability Studies Quarterly titled “The impact of disability studies curriculum on education professionals’ perspectives and practice: Implications for education, 社会正义, 社会变革.”

Sandoval-Gomez,.M . Cosier., &红衣主教,D. N. (2020). Inclusion and the right to access to regular classes for students with disabilities. International Electronic Journal of 小学教育, 12(3), 249-255

安逸舒适,M.桑多瓦尔-戈麦斯,A.红衣主教,D. N., & Brophy,年代. (2020). Placement of students with extensive support needs in California school districts: The state of inclusion and exclusion. International Electronic Journal of 小学教育, 12(3), 249-255.

麦基,., & 戈麦斯,. S. (2020). Increasing inclusive education through a learning center model: A California approach. 教育与发展,4(1).


博士图像. 红衣主教呈现
Dr. 红衣主教不

红衣主教不博士, is the founding director of the 汤普森残疾政策研究所. 在创立TPI之前,Dr. Cardinal served as the Dean of 阿塔拉教育研究学院. He has been an advocate of inclusive education from the beginning of his career as an educator in the public school system to his current role as Director and Professor Emeritus.

Ozerk K., & 红衣主教,D. (2020). Prevalence of autism/ASD among preschool and school-age children in Norway. 当代学校心理学http://doi.org/10.1007/s40688-020-00302-z

Sandoval-Gomez,.M . Cosier., &红衣主教,D. N. (2020). Inclusion and the right to access to regular classes for students with disabilities. International Electronic Journal of 小学教育, 12(3), 249-255

安逸舒适,M.桑多瓦尔-戈麦斯,A.红衣主教,D. N., & Brophy,年代. (2020). Placement of students with extensive support needs in California school districts: The state of inclusion and exclusion. International Electronic Journal of 小学教育, 12(3), 249-255.

卡迪纳尔,DN,格里菲斯,AJ,莫平,ZD, & Fraumeni高麦克布莱德J. (2020). 一项威尼斯人app美国自闭症发病率上升的调查.S. 公立学校. 学校心理学.

弗洛雷斯,J. & 红衣主教,D. (2017). The CCTE Reader on Social Justice: Social Justice and 教师教育. 卡多盖普出版社,旧金山.
格里菲思,.J.詹南安东尼奥,C.M.赫利-汉森,A.E., & 红衣主教,D. (2016). Autism in the Workplace: Assessing the transition needs of young adults with Autism Spectrum Disorder. 商业与管理杂志.





 Dr. Amy-Jane格里菲斯

Amy-Jane格里菲斯博士,NCSP, is a licensed clinical psychologist (PSY 24536) and a Nationally Certified School Psychologist. 她获得了心理咨询博士学位, 临床, 以及加州大学的学校心理学教授, 圣芭芭拉分校. Dr. Griffiths is an Assistant Professor in the 阿塔拉教育研究学院 and a research affiliate at the 汤普森政策研究所. 在澳门威尼斯人app下载大学工作之前,博士. Griffiths served as a director for an intervention program designed to support teens and young adults with disabilities as they transition into adulthood. 学术和研究兴趣包括:学生参与, 心理健康和精神健康, 针对有行为问题的学生进行针对性干预, 项目评估, and supporting positive transition outcomes for youth with disabilities.

卡迪纳尔,DN,格里菲斯,AJ,莫平,ZD, & Fraumeni高麦克布莱德J. (2020). 一项威尼斯人app美国自闭症发病率上升的调查.S. 公立学校. 学校心理学.

格里菲思,.J.; Hanson, A.H.; Giannantonio, C.M.; Mathur年代.K.; Hyde, K.; Linstead, E. Developing 就业 Environments Where Individuals with ASD Thrive: Using Machine Learning to Explore Employer Policies and Practices. 大脑科学. 2020, 10, 632.

格里菲思,. J.纳什,A. M.莫平,Z., & Mathur年代. K. (2020). Her voice: Engaging and preparing girls with disabilities for science, 技术, 工程, 数学职业. International Electronic Journal of 小学教育, 12(3), 293-301.

格里菲思,.J. 安逸舒适,M., & 摩根,年代. (2019). 研究-to-Practice Brief: Using Labor Market Projections for Successful 过渡计划. 研究 Brief: 汤普森政策研究所 Disability Summit Fourth Annual Report. Orange, CA: 澳门威尼斯人app下载大学, 阿塔拉教育研究学院.

格里菲思,.-J.Izumi, J. T.艾尔西普,J.弗隆,M. J., & 莫里森,G. M. (2019). Schoolwide positive behavioral interventions and supports in an alternative education setting: Examining the risk and protective factors of responders and non-responders. Preventing School Failure: Alternative Education for Children and Youth, 63(2), 149–161. doi: 10.1080/1045988X.2018.1534224

格里菲思,.J.詹南安东尼奥,C.M.赫利-汉森,A.E., & 红衣主教,D. (2016). Autism in the Workplace: Assessing the transition needs of young adults with Autism Spectrum Disorder. 商业与管理杂志.

格里菲思,. J. (2014). 有效的自闭症过渡计划的六个建议. 橙县儿童医院博客. 从检索 http://blog.chocchildrens.org/six-tips-creating-autism-transition-plan-works/