Dr. John Hall

Dr. John Hall

Dale E. Fowler School of Law
Expertise: Human Rights; Cambodia; International Law; Art Law; Torts; Employment Law;
Office Location: Kennedy Hall 434
Phone: (714) 628-2617
University of Sussex, Bachelor of Arts
Stanford University, Juris Doctor
University of Oxford, Ph.D.


Dr. John Hall teaches International Law, Human Rights, Torts, and Employment Law at Chapman. A native of England, he received a B.A.(Hons.) in American Studies from Sussex University, and a Doctorate in Modern History from Oxford University. His doctoral dissertation, "Quieting the Storm: The Reestablishment of Order in Post-Revolutionary South Carolina," was awarded the Sara Norton Prize in History. For ten years Dr. Hall was a professor and department chair at Albion College in Michigan, where he taught courses in early American and military history. His reference book about the Peninsular War, 1807-1814, was a selection of the History Book Club. In 1994, Dr. Hall hitch-hiked around South East Asia (as he had previously done around Iran and the Middle-East), and as a result became determined to switch careers and become a Human Rights attorney. Quitting his tenured academic position, he studied law at Stanford Law School, where he received his Juris Doctor in 2000. While at Stanford he became the first student twice awarded the Carl Mason Franklin Prize in International Law. Dr. Hall has carried out extensive Human Rights fieldwork in Cambodia (where his research centers on factory conditions, the bringing to justice of the Khmer Rouge, and human trafficking), and the Philippines (where he is currently involved working on behalf of 10,000 farmers facing forced relocation by land developers. Seven of the peasant leaders have been murdered). Prior to coming to Chapman, Dr. Hall was an employment attorney at O'Melveny & Myers in downtown Los Angeles, and in-house counsel at Southern California Edison. Dr. Hall's research has been published in journals such as the Virginia Journal of Social Policy & the Law, the Stanford Law & Policy Review, and the Columbia Journal of Asian Law. His opinion pieces have appeared in the Wall Street Journal, the International Herald Tribune, Investor's Business Daily, the Los Angeles Daily Journal, and more. Despite his career shift, Dr. Hall remains delighted to have a cup of tea with anyone who wants to talk about history.

Courses Taught:

Practice Foundations Transactions.

List of Scholarly Publications

Recent Creative, Scholarly Work and Publications

Sex Offenders and Child Sex Tourism: The Case for Passport Revocation, THE VIRGINIA JOURNAL OF SOCIAL POLICY & THE LAW (2011)
Investigate the Khmer Rouge Tribunal: It's Important to Know Why a U.N. Official Undermined the Inquiries and Turned the Tribunal Into a Sham, WALL STREET JOURNAL ASIA, 17 Nov. 2011. (Also WSJ.com, and widely reprinted internationally).
A U.N. Fiasco in Cambodia: Compromised Local Judges and Bungling International Staff have Brought the Khmer Rouge Tribunal to a Standstill, WALL STREET JOURNAL ASIA, 5 Oct. 2011. (Widely reprinted internationally, including WSJ.com). [NOTE: Judge Siegfried Blunk, who I argued had shamefully undermined a key investigation of genocide suspects, resigned from the Tribunal four days after my op-ed).
A Viable "Sweatshop Free" Model? The ILO's Better Factories Program and Labor Rights in Cambodia's Garment Industry, STANFORD LAW & POLICY REVIEW (2010)
Tribunal Problems Loom, WALL STREET JOURNAL ASIA, 26 July 2010
Court Management at the ECCC, ON TRIAL: THE KHMER ROUGE ACCOUNTABILITY PROCESS, eds. John D. Ciorciari and Anne Heindel (2009)
Shutting Down Child Sex Tourism, BOSTON GLOBE, 30 Sept. 2009.
Trial on Trial, INTERNATIONAL HERALD TRIBUNE, 10 March 2009.
In the Cambodian Judges' Court, WALL STREET JOURNAL ASIA, 28 May 2009
Judging the Khmer Rouge Tribunal, FAR EASTERN ECONOMIC REVIEW, 2 March 2009
Murders in Russia, WALL STREET JOURNAL EUROPE, 19 Feb. 2009.
Cambodia's Free Press Under Fire, INTERNATIONAL HERALD TRIBUNE, 28 July 2008 (with Sophal Ear)
A Tribunal Worth Paying For, WALL STREET JOURNAL ASIA, 16 July 2008.
The Khmer Rouge Tribunal's Rebirth, WALL STREET JOURNAL ASIA, 9 June 2008.
Judging Manila, WALL STREET JOURNAL ASIA, 22 Juan. 2008.
Don't Pave Cambodia's Flawed Path to Justice, CHRISTIAN SCIENCE MONITOR, 15 Jan. 2008.