Dr. 丹科Drusko

Dr. 丹科Drusko

Assistant Professor Director, The Chapman Orchestra
表演艺术学院; Hall-Musco Conservatory of Music
办公地点: Bertea大厅126
University of Rochester, Master of Music
Indiana University Bloomington, Doctor of Music


Dr. Danko Druško is a sought-after conductor and educator based in California. Born to Croatian parents in Germany, Druško comes from a modest background of immigrant parents; he is a first generation college graduate and Assistant Professor of Orchestral Studies at 澳门威尼斯人app下载大学. Druško is a frequent guest Cover Conductor for the LA Phil at Walt Disney Hall, 好莱坞露天剧场, 和福特号. He also serves as the Artistic Director of the California Orchestra Academy, which provides universal access to high-level music education for students around the globe. He has collaborated with world-renowned artists such as Alison Balsom, 尼古拉的趣事, 卢卡šVondrač艾克, Ledisi, 西蒙年轻, 托马斯·威尔金斯, 大卫•纽曼, 咖啡馆Tacvba, 古斯塔夫。杜达梅尔, 和更多的.

Druško's work has earned him several awards and distinctions, including the prestigious Friedrichshafen City Art Award in 2014, given to promising artists every two years in their effort to promote cultural advancements in the region. He was also a recipient of the 2011 Rotary Ambassadorial Scholarship and won the first and only prize in conducting by the County Culture Foundation of Lake Constance in Germany (2012). 在他的指挥生涯之前, Druško worked as a professional trumpet player in symphonies and opera pit orchestras in Germany and performed as a tenor in several operas.

Druško has conducted professional, 大学, 还有青年管弦乐队, as well as choirs throughout Europe and North America, including: Frankfurt Radio Symphony, 布达佩斯轻歌剧, 法兰克福歌剧院管弦乐团, 里斯本大都会乐团, 罗切斯特爱乐乐团, 那不勒斯爱乐乐团, 爱达荷州公民交响乐团, 圣克拉拉大学管弦乐团, 圣地亚哥青年交响乐团, University of Florida School of Music, University of Wisconsin-Madison School of Music, University of Nebraska-Omaha School of Music, 雅各布斯音乐学院, 伊士曼音乐学院, 伦敦市政厅音乐学院, and Staatliche Hochschule für Musik Trossingen, California Music Educators Association Honor Orchestra, California Association of Independent 学校 Honor Orchestra, and YOLA (Youth Orchestra Los Angeles, 拉菲尔。), 等.

In addition to his work as a conductor, Druško partnered with LA-based artist Frances Stark to create a pedagogical opera of 'The Magic Flute' for the Absolut Art Award. He re-orchestrated the entire opera for youth wind soloists and string orchestra and led the recording of the project at the same Hollywood studio where Michael Jackson and Metallica previously recorded some of their most famous albums. The collaborative installation premiered at the Los Angeles County Museum of Art (LACMA) and appeared in major museums around the world such as London's ICA, 纽约现代艺术博物馆, 史密森尼学会, 还有更多.

Described as a "miracle worker" by the Peninsula Reviews, Druško is attuned to the needs of his communities and believes music has no boundaries. He advocates for the learning and performance of regional and traditional music, uniting audience members of all backgrounds in the concert hall. He previously held positions as Director of Orchestra and Opera at the NIU School of Music and Associate Instructor at the IU 雅各布斯音乐学院. As Artistic and Music Director he implemented lasting structures in both the El Sistema program in Salinas (YOSAL) and the Monterey County Youth Orchestra; he also founded the Hoosier Philharmonic Orchestra & 印第安纳合唱团.

Druško holds a Doctor of Music degree in orchestral and opera conducting from the Indiana University 雅各布斯音乐学院. He received his Master's Degree in orchestral conducting from the 伊士曼音乐学院 and holds Staatsexamen degrees from both the Staatliche Hochschule für Musik in Trossingen and the University of Konstanz. 他在国外为人民民主联盟教书, the sole public organization in Germany working on behalf of the Federal States to promote international exchange and cooperation. He also passed the highly competitive physical aptitude test required to study sport science in Germany. Druško is an avid outdoorsman and finds inspiration for his music in nature.